What's Available - Leading Brands

Independent: Giving you more choice

We’re independent Audiologists which means, because we’re not tied to any one manufacturer, you are assured of more choice. Our Audiologists will recommend the best hearing solution based on your lifestyle, your needs, and your hearing loss – irrespective of which of the leading manufacturers offers this device.

In the same way as visiting your independent opticians means you can choose glasses from a range of styles and brands, visiting your local Audiologist means you can choose hearing aids from a large range too!

Check before you book

If you seek advice from an Audiologist in a nationwide hearing chain, we recommend you ask before your book your hearing test, whether they offer hearing solutions from all the manufacturers you see below, or just a selected brand(s).

Choosing the right hearing solution for you

We understand that choosing the hearing solution best suited to you can be a daunting task. That’s why our expert Audiologists are always on hand to help you. They will explain which hearing solutions are best suited to your hearing loss and which meet your requirements most closely, taking into account what you feel is important in terms of technology, ease of use, performance, budget and appearance.

Once you’ve narrowed down the selection, they will demonstrate the hearing you could achieve from the different hearing solutions available to you.

And if you choose a hearing solution and then find it’s not quite right for you, you have the peace of mind of knowing you can have your money back, in full, if you return it to us within 30 days – guaranteed!